”Good Fit Books”
1. I look at a book
2. P urpose - Why do I want to read it?
* You want to learn about a certain topic
* You just want to read for fun
3. I nterest - Does it interest me?
* Favorite author
* Favorite genre: fairy tale, mystery, nonfiction…
* Favorite types of books: sports, animals, dinosaurs, jokes…
4. C omprehend - Am I understanding what I read?
* Is the book too hard to read?
* Do we know what the author is talking about?
5. K now - Do I know all the words?
* If I don’t know the words I might not understand the book.
© Gail Boushey and Joan Moser • http://www.thedailyfive.com/
Is This The Right Book For Me?
Try these tests to help select books:
v Is this book TOO HARD?
v Is this book TOO EASY?
v Is this book JUST RIGHT?
The Five Finger Rule
Ø Read a full page in the book.
Ø Put up a finger each time you find a word you don’t know.
Ø If you get to:
5 FINGERS before you are done, it is TOO HARD.
1 FINGER after you are done, it is TOO EASY.
2-4 FINGERS after you’re done, it is JUST RIGHT!